Frequently Asked Questions

Are these original paintings or prints?

They are all original paintings, not prints.

How do I order a work of art?

Once you have decided which work of art you would like to buy, click the '“Add to Cart” button and complete the payment process. You’ll receive an order confirmation email immediately afterwards and your purchase will be shipped within 3 to 5 working days.

How long will my work of art take to arrive?

Your art will be shipped within 3 to 5 working days, by certified courier (I’ll send you a tracking link). We use world-class couriers such as Spain’s “Correos” or UPS, so shipping will be as fast as possible but may depend on seasonal variations (e.g. busier times around Christmas).

What are the shipping costs?

Shipping costs will be detailed at checkout, depending on your location. They are for registered, tracked shipping services.

N.B. Your order may be subject to additional duty and taxes upon receipt at your address, depending on your local country regulations.

Are the artworks framed or unframed?

The artworks are sold and sent unframed. I recommend finding a local framer as soon as possible to frame the art work, they will look amazing once they are nicely framed.

What If I am not happy with my art work when it arrives?

I hope that you will be very happy with your art work when it arrives - the work always looks better in real life than in photos on the internet, and once it is framed it will really shine.

If however you are not happy with the art, then you have 14 days to request a refund via the contact form on this website. I’ll let you know how you can return the art work, and once it is returned I will process the refund.

Any more questions?

Please don’t hesitate to contact me via the contact form